
BISHOPS GREEN - "Bishops Green"

Artist:  Bishops Green
Song:  Alone
Album:  Bishops Green
Year:  2013
Genre:  Oi

It has been centuries since found a new Oi! band that I enjoy.  Seriously, though, any Oi! that I listen to is from last century.  I admit it; I’m super picky and critical of the style.  Oi! is not about originality for me, but more about appreciating and understanding the history of the music by playing the right chord progressions, barking the right vocal melodies and presenting the right attitude.  I look at it as if it’s a good thing to rip off and repackage 4-Skins, Cock Sparer, Blitz and the handful of other masters.  It is not a genre that is easily expanded upon nor experimented with.  Vancouver’s Bishops Green does exactly what their supposed to do.  Their love, dedication and respect for Oi! is obvious and shines through in the songs.  They hold true to the foundations of the music, yet add their personality into the mix just enough to set them apart from the lackluster clones. I’ve been spinning their EP and full length repeatedly for the last couple months. Both are full of big chords, big choruses and enough of a street vibe that it makes me want to dust off the old combat boots.  Great new band!

Listen to "Alone" here.

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